Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Monday

I think today was the first time I've ever been to a service on Easter Monday. I don't even know what the importance of today is. A cursory search of the web didn't help much; I learned of numerous activities and traditions (my favorite was how, according to a Canadian site, men would mist their wives with perfumed water blessed on Easter Day and say, "May you never wither"), but I didn't really find anything of theological or doctrinal significance. As best I can tell, Easter Monday (a government holiday in many countries) became increasingly important as the start of the week-long festivities celebrating of our Lord's resurrection, particularly in European nations.

I didn't wake up in time for Matins (which is a shame, because Fr. McGrath sent an email last week saying there would be Ante-Communion), but I did get away from work in time for Evensong. I even found a new bus route to take from the Microsoft main campus: MT 232. I can leave the office at 4: 45 PM and still make the start of Evensong, which is great. I wish it ran that direction in the morning.

It was just the two of us tonight (it's odd not to see G. there; he's become like a fixture!). We sang the Phos Hilaron at the end, which was good (in that I love it and need the practice) and bad (in that I really struggled with it). Fr. McGrath was kind to ferry me back to work.

I came home to spaghetti with a tomato sauce, my favorite food! Thanks Deirdre, my love!


Continuing Home said...

Interesting. I hadn't known of the European festivities, thoughI like the idea. Americans seem to have gotten into the habit of the "wind-up" (Advent turning into "the Christmas season", for example) and the instant we arrive... it's over.
Christmas trees in the trash Dec. 26th, and when Christmas *really* ends the tree pick-ups are usually done.

Kathy noted G.'s absence yesterday too. I hope he's okay!

Continuing Home said...

G. is fine. According to Fr. Daniel he had a very busy schedule, and our sunrise service was dropped. After hearing the schedule, I think that was the right thing to do.

Drew Miller said...

Yeah, Fr. McGrath mentioned that G. had an out-of-town visitor he was hosting. Thanks for the update Bill.

Anonymous said...

Hello, lads! Yes, I had a very special guest in for the Easter weekend. Now that she has (unfortunately) returned to the plains, I'm back to daily Morning and Evening Prayer. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!