Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Tuesday

I missed Matins and Ante-Communion again today because I overslept. Domine mei miserere. And, sadly, I won't be able to attend Matins until Friday because I have an early meeting tomorrow and Thursday.

It was just me and Fr. McGrath again tonight at Evensong. G. was hosting an out-of-town visitor but Fr. McGrath expects he'll again be attending the evening service soon. It's so great that G. so regularly attends the Daily Office; Fr. McGrath deserves the company (and I just haven't been very consistent about attending).

Tonight's Evensong was remarkably short; in fact, Fr. McGrath remarked that it lasted only fifteen minutes (and that included singing the Phos Hilaron again, which I actually managed to sing worse than last night). The lessons were pretty short (the first, from Isaiah, particularly so) and we didn't waste words moving along the service (no "turn to page so-and-so" and "let us say this-and-that"). There wasn't a need with just us two.

An interesting liturgical question came up last and this night, but my battery is about to run out so I need to click "Publish" right now. I'll write about it tomorrow.

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