Friday, August 3, 2007

APCK's St. Joseph seminary opened to the ACC and UECNA

While at my Diocese's first annual family camp last weekend, Archbishop Provence and I had a brief but very nice talk about my postulancy and about some of the recent events in the so-called Continuum (I hate that term so used). During that talk, the Archbishop told me that he has formally opened St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College, the APCK's seminary, to postulants of the ACC and UECNA.

I think this is great news. When I was first wrestling with my aspiration to Holy Orders several years ago in the ACC, an option such as this might have changed the path I eventually took (eschewing a return to college to finish my baccalaureate degree). Of course, I have no regrets, for I "know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Deo gratia!


Continuing Home said...

This is great news!

If Fr. Daniel is typical of graduates of the seminary, it is excellent indeed. And seeing increased cooperation among the APCK, UECNA and ACC is also a joy.

The Auld MacLaren said...

Fine though the St. Joseph seminary may be, it does not represent a viable option to the many older-men-with-wives-kids-and-mortgages who are exploring perceived vocations.... Traditional clerical educational models simply do not address the needs of the Church in the current crisis.